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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Have you ever wondered why Marine Plywood is referred to in construction applications?

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Architectprojects – The answer is that this description has simply been used in the belief that the product will be a higher quality of plywood and will be suitable for application. Marine Grade Plywood compliant with the standard BS 1088 was not originally intended for construction applications, as the name suggests, it was produced for the boat/shipbuilding industry.

In today’s world the availability of legal and sustainable hardwoods to produce Marine Grade Plywood is very limited, which makes the product relatively expensive to produce.

Construction specifications should be satisfied with products that are fit-for-purpose taking into account the application and the particular performance criteria required. With this in mind, Hanson Plywood have worked to develop and present a product that is specifically intended for the construction industry and offers full technical and environmental classifications.

Performance Plywood® is the result of this work and is a reliably branded hardwood plywood produced specifically for construction applications. It is CE marked and tested to meet EN 636 Use Class 3 thus making it suitable for use as structural components in exterior conditions. The product carries FSC® chain of custody and is FLEGT licenced to verify legality under the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR).

Specifying plywood for use in exterior conditions.

EN 636-3 specifies the requirements for plywood for use in external applications as defined in Use Class 3, where the moisture content will frequently be above 20%.

Use Class 3 is defined fully in EN 335:2013 but essentially it outlines situations in which wood or wood-based product is above ground and exposed to the weather (particularly rain). Attack by disfiguring fungi and wood destroying fungi is possible as well as attack by wood boring insects, including termites.

Essential elements of plywood for EN 636–3

Bonding quality â€“ The bonding quality of the plywood needs to comply with the requirements of Bonding Class 3 of EN 314-2.

Biological durability â€“ Plywood shall be appropriate for the prevailing climatic conditions. It is therefore important to assess whether the durability of the plywood to be used is sufficient and if not, consider another solution such as design or preservative treatment. Guidance on factors affecting durability can be found in CEN/TS 1099. When specifying plywood for Use Class 3, appropriate surface and edge coating should also be considered.


Performance Plywood® is imported from Indonesia and is FLEGT Licensed. Following the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s implementation of a robust timber legality assurance system (SVLK), the country has fully complied with the legality requirements set out by the European Union. As such, Indonesia is the first country to offer FLEGT Licensed timber products which are fully compliant with EUTR requirements.

In addition to this attestation to legality, the timber in H Performance Plywood® is sourced from FSC® forest management units. On visiting the mill, Hanson Plywood staff came into the knowledge that the mill incorporates a robust reforestation scheme into their forest management, sustaining the forest for future generations.


Performance Plywood® not only adheres to a long list of applicable standards, but also follows a strict due diligence process. This means the product is safe, and fit for use in a multitude of applications, specifically construction.

Vietnam Plywood

Vietnam Film Faced Plywood

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